We all know as you get older, our lives become busier and busier and we have less time in our days to do extra things. But a recent study shows that not only do adults exercise less as they get older, but kids are exercising less and less as they prgoress through their teenage years. At age nine, about 90 percent of kids get about two hours of exercise everyday, whether it's from sports or simply playing tag with other children from their neighborhood. However, fewer than three percent of fifteen year-olds get such a level of activity. The saddest statistic: fewer than one third of teens actaully get the minimum recommended amount of exercise by the government. Boys were found to be more active than girls, and more physical activity was done on the weekends.
"People don't recognize this as the crisis that it is," said lead author Dr. Philip Nader, a pediatrician and professor emeritus at the University of California at San Diego. Inactivity is linked with greater risks for many health problems, including heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes," according to the arcticle. If exercise becomes less and less of a priority, many people are going to rely more on medical procedures or sources to help them out of this inactivity epidemic. Not only doesn't it strain one's health, but it also puts a hold on our economy.
This was a very shocking article to me. I knew kids were exercising less, but I had no idea how little they're exercising. I understand that a social life is important, but so is exercise. Middle school appears to be the age range where exercise takes the greatest drop, and so many changes in life factor in. But we need to encourage kids to stay active, whether it's from sports or walking with friends. Otherwise, this obesity and inactivity epidemic is going to consume more innocent children and we're going to be seeing a more useless America.
I knew as you get older you tend to exercise less but I never thought it would happen to me. Once I was out of high school and not on an actual team I realized it was harder to push myself to go out and exercise. This was a great article to open readers eyes and show it can happen to anyone. Exercise is important and you did a good job pointing out that you should not just rely on medical procedures.
Wow great blog. I can't believe how early people stop exercising its absurd! Its true one your not forced to by practice and such your less likely to exercise ... I myself have trouble running over the summer when I don't have to. I hope people take something out of this and if they've stopped exercising they start up again. Nice job!
Another huge contributor is the drop in the physical education programs in middle schools. Most students once they reach high school will play atleast one sport, but exercise on a whole is really down.
I too found these statistics shocking. I knew that as people get older they exercise less, however what about the middle schoolers? They are not old. I think alot of this has to do with the media, TV, and video games today. Cell phones and IPODs dont help the situation either. Even though these things are "fun" and "cool" teenagers need to be just as encouraged to exercise and be part of extra activities. Being a dance teacher I have many classes with middle school students. They seem to be there more for the socialization than to dance. However, I guess it is better that they are there and doing some exercise. Good information Nicolle!
It seems like the people who really need the exercise to keep healthy are not getting it. The older you get the more you need it, but the less you do. Nowadays though its easier to just get plastic surgery than spend all that time exercising everyday.
Interesting topic. Ya once highschool was over I got a whole lot lazier. I never knew that it could happen to anyone. It is really crazy how early people stop exercising. Not being forced to do any kind of excercise it is very hard to stay active.
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